ProArmory Experts Choice For
The Best .45-70 Government Ammo We Have for Sale:
Our experts at ProArmory recommend these top-performing .45-70 Government rounds:
The two most common types of 45-70 ammo are full metal jacket or (FMJ) and Jacketed Hollow Points or JHP.
Full Metal Jacket (FMJ): A FMJ bullet has a metal jacket that covers the lead core and unlike a hollow point bullet, FMJ is not designed to expand upon impact.
FMJ rounds are typically used for range training or target practice.
Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP): A JHP bullet generates more force and does expand on impact. Jacketed Hollow Points are intended for self-defense use because of the increased expansion and penetration upon impact.
There are also several other types of 45-70 Gov’t ammo, including:
Lead Round Nose (LRN): A LRN bullet has a lead core and a rounded nose and is cheaper than full metal jacket or JHP rounds. The reason most shooters choose a lead round nose is because it's cheaper than FMJ.
Some ranges do not allow lead ammo.