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United States Army Veteran Foreword by Kyle Lewis
ProArmory Team Member & Author
United States Army Veteran

Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day when it first started after the Civil War and was introduced on May 30, 1868 by General John A. Logan, an advocate for Northern Civil War Veterans. This day was to be known as a national day of remembrance and to decorate the graves while reciting prayers for those fallen soldiers that died in defense of their states during the course of the war. This was a chance for the families and fellow soldiers/veterans to honor the Union lives that were given during the Civil War.

Official recognition of Decoration Day started in New York in 1873 and by 1890, all Union States had accepted it as a holiday. Records show that in 1865, Mississippi, Virginia, and South Carolina all had precedents for Southern Memorial Day. The Confederacy supporters started this in resistance to the idea of the Union taking credit for the holiday. The earliest celebrations were simple heartfelt occasions for veterans and their families to honor the dead and tend to graves at local cemeteries in remembrance of the lives given. Memorial Day was the culmination of two opposing political ideas that was eventually brought together by the start of the 20th Century. Memorial Day was then extended to honor all Americans who fought and died while in the U.S. military service no matter when or where they served.

The name "Memorial Day" gradually became more common than "Decoration Day" after World War II; it was declared the official name by federal law in 1967. On June 28, 1968, Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, which moved four holidays, including Memorial Day, from their traditional dates to a specified Monday in order to create a convenient three-day weekend. The change moved Memorial Day from its traditional May 30 date to the last Monday in May. The law took effect federally in 1971.

While there are many reasons to remember those that have fallen in defense of this great nation, Memorial Day is a time to reflect on and show respect to the lives that were given for the freedoms we all have today. It’s a special day dedicated to honoring the loved ones lost that answered the call to duty and so willingly gave their life for it. They will forever be a part of our lives through the memories made while they were here, to remember, to reminisce, to laugh and cry for those lost. Additionally, it is a day to enjoy with those that remain.

On Memorial Day, those that have served and are still serving will take the time to remember our Brothers and Sisters in arms. It’s a day of remembrance for the times we had and the love and support we showed one another, while trying to push through the very depths of what felt like hell itself. But it’s also a time to remember those soldiers that will never be forgotten, and will forever remain tattooed on our hearts and minds.

When we visit them we may leave a penny to let their family know we stopped by the grave to pay our respects and acknowledge their sacrifice. There are others that leave nickels to show that they met with the soldier during Boot Camp and then others may leave dimes to show that they served with them in some capacity while enlisted. This is part of how some Veterans “Decorate” the grave of the fallen. There will be others that go to a local bar or VFW to raise a glass to salute the memory of those that were lost. Regardless of how you observe Memorial Day, please remember those that paid the ultimate price for all Americans to enjoy the freedoms that so many take for granted every day. Freedom truly is not free, and this day stands as a reminder for those, and the families of those that paid the ultimate price for our nation and its people.

"Our debt to the heroic men and valiant women in the service of our country can never be repaid. They have earned our undying gratitude. America will never forget their sacrifices."

- President Harry S. Truman

Those of Us That Remain, Remember!

.remembrance-box { border: 2px solid #357ae2; padding: 20px; box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); background-color: #fffee0; margin: 20px 0; border-radius: 10px; }

In closing, with help from our customers, we have compiled a Remembrance List of those close to them that have fallen in defense of this nation, whether it be a family member, friend, or someone they served with. These names were submitted in response to an email that we shared asking that if anyone had someone they would like us to pay tribute to, to fill out the form and submit it. The response was overwhelming and it is truly our honor and privilege to share this Remembrance List with you.

To our customers, Thank You for making this list possible and for sharing your heroes with us! This is our way of honoring and remembering those who fought for our freedoms and our great nation.


.responsive-table { width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; } .responsive-table th, .responsive-table td { border: 1px solid #E5E4E2; text-align: center; padding: 8px; } .responsive-table tr { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } .responsive-table td { flex: 1 1 33%; box-sizing: border-box; } @media screen and (max-width: 768px) { .responsive-table td { flex: 1 1 100%; } }

table { width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; } td { text-align: center; border: 1px solid #E5E4E2; } @media (max-width: 600px) { table, tbody, tr, td { display: block; width: 100%; } td { margin-bottom: 10px; } }

SPC William "Bill" Lewis
PFC Jason Sparks
MAJ Johnnie Petach
Air Force
SGT Carl Emil Janowsky Jr
COL William Kaplan
Air Force
PFC Emil Hadrava
PFC Joseph Falato
CPO Karl Koch
PO2 Jerry Russell
E-5 William Koslan
Air Force
HT2 Jim Hudgell
Lance Corporal Micheal Scholl
Marine Corps
E-4 David L Little
Air Force
E-4 Melvin Hodge
SGT Joseph Schwerdtfeger
Bill Prather
SSG Floyde Kearney
William Alexander Bishop
Jimmy Simpson
Air Force
Jesus Salinas
Marine Corps
1st SGT Philip Drown
Marine Corps
CPL Arvey Drown
CPL Gerhard Yonke
Marine Corps
SGT William Smith
SGM Michael Humble
LTC Robert Carlson
Air Force
Lt. JG Jack Cecil Winstead
Cook Roy Routh
Lt. Colonel Eugene Peresich, Jr.
MM E-6 Robert Booth
SFC Leonard Breure
CPL Bud Miller
E 4 Gary Thayer
1LT Panormitis Stavlas
SPC Jose Luis Ruiz
Charles Butler
PFC Branden Charles Cummings
James Nordquist
SGT Loius Menard
Frank O. Impson
SSG Berman Ganoe
David Woodley
Air Force
Air Force
CPL Larry Booty
Marine Corps
CPL Burgess Martin
Marine Corps
SGT Donald Martin, Sr.
Randall Holyoak
SFC Antonio Rodriguez
SSG Omar Aceves
SFC Gary Vasquez
SSG Garth Sizemore
LCPL Raul "Chato" Bravo
SGT Dustin “Brick” Lang
LCPL Adam Emul
HN Charles Sare
HN Kyle Nolan
Sam Chhoeng
SGT Travis Pfister
Marine Corps

Memorial Day is a time to remember and honor the brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our freedoms.

Next year on Memorial Day, we will do the same thing.

Here at ProArmory, we believe that Memorial Day is not about capitalizing on the opportunity to sell products.

It is about remembering and honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice defending our freedoms.

Thank you to all of you who took the time to write in. We hope that we were able to help honor their memory

If you would like to us to honor a friend, loved one, or teammate next Memorial Day, we will send you an email the week of 5/19/2025 and include their name on our website next year.

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    Memorial Day And Remembering our fallen

    Memorial Day And Remembering our fallen

    Post by Memorial Day 2024Memorial Day 2024 May 27, 2024

    United States Army Veteran Foreword by Kyle Lewis
    ProArmory Team Member & Author
    United States Army Veteran

    Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day when it first started after the Civil War and was introduced on May 30, 1868 by General John A. Logan, an advocate for Northern Civil War Veterans. This day was to be known as a national day of remembrance and to decorate the graves while reciting prayers for those fallen soldiers that died in defense of their states during the course of the war. This was a chance for the families and fellow soldiers/veterans to honor the Union lives that were given during the Civil War.

    Official recognition of Decoration Day started in New York in 1873 and by 1890, all Union States had accepted it as a holiday. Records show that in 1865, Mississippi, Virginia, and South Carolina all had precedents for Southern Memorial Day. The Confederacy supporters started this in resistance to the idea of the Union taking credit for the holiday. The earliest celebrations were simple heartfelt occasions for veterans and their families to honor the dead and tend to graves at local cemeteries in remembrance of the lives given. Memorial Day was the culmination of two opposing political ideas that was eventually brought together by the start of the 20th Century. Memorial Day was then extended to honor all Americans who fought and died while in the U.S. military service no matter when or where they served.

    The name "Memorial Day" gradually became more common than "Decoration Day" after World War II; it was declared the official name by federal law in 1967. On June 28, 1968, Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, which moved four holidays, including Memorial Day, from their traditional dates to a specified Monday in order to create a convenient three-day weekend. The change moved Memorial Day from its traditional May 30 date to the last Monday in May. The law took effect federally in 1971.

    While there are many reasons to remember those that have fallen in defense of this great nation, Memorial Day is a time to reflect on and show respect to the lives that were given for the freedoms we all have today. It’s a special day dedicated to honoring the loved ones lost that answered the call to duty and so willingly gave their life for it. They will forever be a part of our lives through the memories made while they were here, to remember, to reminisce, to laugh and cry for those lost. Additionally, it is a day to enjoy with those that remain.

    On Memorial Day, those that have served and are still serving will take the time to remember our Brothers and Sisters in arms. It’s a day of remembrance for the times we had and the love and support we showed one another, while trying to push through the very depths of what felt like hell itself. But it’s also a time to remember those soldiers that will never be forgotten, and will forever remain tattooed on our hearts and minds.

    When we visit them we may leave a penny to let their family know we stopped by the grave to pay our respects and acknowledge their sacrifice. There are others that leave nickels to show that they met with the soldier during Boot Camp and then others may leave dimes to show that they served with them in some capacity while enlisted. This is part of how some Veterans “Decorate” the grave of the fallen. There will be others that go to a local bar or VFW to raise a glass to salute the memory of those that were lost. Regardless of how you observe Memorial Day, please remember those that paid the ultimate price for all Americans to enjoy the freedoms that so many take for granted every day. Freedom truly is not free, and this day stands as a reminder for those, and the families of those that paid the ultimate price for our nation and its people.

    "Our debt to the heroic men and valiant women in the service of our country can never be repaid. They have earned our undying gratitude. America will never forget their sacrifices."

    - President Harry S. Truman

    Those of Us That Remain, Remember!

    .remembrance-box { border: 2px solid #357ae2; padding: 20px; box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); background-color: #fffee0; margin: 20px 0; border-radius: 10px; }

    In closing, with help from our customers, we have compiled a Remembrance List of those close to them that have fallen in defense of this nation, whether it be a family member, friend, or someone they served with. These names were submitted in response to an email that we shared asking that if anyone had someone they would like us to pay tribute to, to fill out the form and submit it. The response was overwhelming and it is truly our honor and privilege to share this Remembrance List with you.

    To our customers, Thank You for making this list possible and for sharing your heroes with us! This is our way of honoring and remembering those who fought for our freedoms and our great nation.


    .responsive-table { width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; } .responsive-table th, .responsive-table td { border: 1px solid #E5E4E2; text-align: center; padding: 8px; } .responsive-table tr { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } .responsive-table td { flex: 1 1 33%; box-sizing: border-box; } @media screen and (max-width: 768px) { .responsive-table td { flex: 1 1 100%; } }

    table { width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; } td { text-align: center; border: 1px solid #E5E4E2; } @media (max-width: 600px) { table, tbody, tr, td { display: block; width: 100%; } td { margin-bottom: 10px; } }

    SPC William "Bill" Lewis
    PFC Jason Sparks
    MAJ Johnnie Petach
    Air Force
    SGT Carl Emil Janowsky Jr
    COL William Kaplan
    Air Force
    PFC Emil Hadrava
    PFC Joseph Falato
    CPO Karl Koch
    PO2 Jerry Russell
    E-5 William Koslan
    Air Force
    HT2 Jim Hudgell
    Lance Corporal Micheal Scholl
    Marine Corps
    E-4 David L Little
    Air Force
    E-4 Melvin Hodge
    SGT Joseph Schwerdtfeger
    Bill Prather
    SSG Floyde Kearney
    William Alexander Bishop
    Jimmy Simpson
    Air Force
    Jesus Salinas
    Marine Corps
    1st SGT Philip Drown
    Marine Corps
    CPL Arvey Drown
    CPL Gerhard Yonke
    Marine Corps
    SGT William Smith
    SGM Michael Humble
    LTC Robert Carlson
    Air Force
    Lt. JG Jack Cecil Winstead
    Cook Roy Routh
    Lt. Colonel Eugene Peresich, Jr.
    MM E-6 Robert Booth
    SFC Leonard Breure
    CPL Bud Miller
    E 4 Gary Thayer
    1LT Panormitis Stavlas
    SPC Jose Luis Ruiz
    Charles Butler
    PFC Branden Charles Cummings
    James Nordquist
    SGT Loius Menard
    Frank O. Impson
    SSG Berman Ganoe
    David Woodley
    Air Force
    Air Force
    CPL Larry Booty
    Marine Corps
    CPL Burgess Martin
    Marine Corps
    SGT Donald Martin, Sr.
    Randall Holyoak
    SFC Antonio Rodriguez
    SSG Omar Aceves
    SFC Gary Vasquez
    SSG Garth Sizemore
    LCPL Raul "Chato" Bravo
    SGT Dustin “Brick” Lang
    LCPL Adam Emul
    HN Charles Sare
    HN Kyle Nolan
    Sam Chhoeng
    SGT Travis Pfister
    Marine Corps

    Memorial Day is a time to remember and honor the brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our freedoms.

    Next year on Memorial Day, we will do the same thing.

    Here at ProArmory, we believe that Memorial Day is not about capitalizing on the opportunity to sell products.

    It is about remembering and honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice defending our freedoms.

    Thank you to all of you who took the time to write in. We hope that we were able to help honor their memory

    If you would like to us to honor a friend, loved one, or teammate next Memorial Day, we will send you an email the week of 5/19/2025 and include their name on our website next year.
