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In this segment I am going to touch on a few supplies that you should always have on hand for a 72 hour survival scenario. Whether it be trying to get home after a natural disaster, vehicle problems that leave you stranded or hiking/hunting, or a situation where you are waiting on First Responders to show up, we should always be prepared for an unexpected SHTF situation. While the bare minimum survival kit is good for 72 hours, the idea behind it is to always be prepared! At minimum you will always need a good fixed blade knife, fire starting supplies, a stainless steel water bottle, water purification tablets, 550 Cord, plastic sheeting for shelter and visual/ auditory signaling supplies, such as a signaling mirror and a rescue whistle. Additionally, an EDC firearm is great to have on hand for protection, but if that isn’t an option, any type of knife will serve as a great back-up. At the end of this blog I will also introduce a few supplements that will add to your daily health benefits should you ever find yourself in a survival mode situation.

The Basic Needs In A Survival Situation

The Body cannot survive without water in any environment and it is especially important in a survival situation. There are many ways to address this issue so I’m sharing a few products and ideas below for you to think about what might work best for you. When organizing an emergency pack, I personally prefer a life straw or purification tablets, although there are also pre-packaged water options that are good for up to six years. I would rather have another viable option besides “packaged” water, and again, that comes down to personal preference.

  • Stainless Steel Single Wall Water Bottle
  • Water Purification Tablets
  • LifeStraw or GeoPress by Grayl Filtration Systems

Food: Although the human body is designed to survive for a limited time without food, it is still essential to take in calories to produce energy. This is extremely important should you find yourself in an emergency situation, so I’m going to talk about a few products to consider stocking up on. Just like with water there are multiple options to make sure you have some type of food easily accessible in an emergency situation. MREs, 2400 Calorie bars, CLIF bars and basically any type of protein bar will sustain you for a limited time. I also suggest learning to forage so that you become familiar with wild plants and knowing which parts are safe to eat. Bushcraft trapping, a method of using mechanical devices to capture animals without the presence of a trapper, can prove extremely beneficial in a survival mode situation. Hunting with simple traps/snares for small game like rabbits and squirrels can also help in case the situation exceeds the 72 hour period.

  • MREs (or any survival based food company)
  • At the least 2 of the 2400 Calorie Emergency Food Bars
  • CLIF Bars (Protein/Energy Bars)
  • Learn about your local edible vegetation/wildlife to forage for food.

Clothing/Socks/Foot Care: These items can sometimes be overlooked in a short term survival situation, but they definitely shouldn't be. Speaking from personal experience, having a fresh change of clothes in an emergency situation really makes a huge difference. Most preppers and survivalists suggest at least two sets of clothing so you can change with the elements. And don’t overlook packing a few pairs of socks because your feet might soon become your main mode of transportation during an emergency situation. I suggest learning the Army/Ranger roll method to help stow your clothing in a compact way within your emergency kit. There are some other options for this as well, which include vacuum sealed packs that help to collapse your clothes down to a fraction of their size. If you have room, pack an extra set of boots/shoes also as you can never be too prepared!

  • Army/Ranger Roll at least two changes of clothes
  • Vacuum sealed packaging containing clothes placed in a pack
  • Socks and Dry Feet Are Important in these scenarios
  • Extra Dry Footwear Boots/Shoes

Shelter and Sleep: These are two important factors that come into play with any hiking, hunting or emergency situation. Shelter can be provided in a number of ways, ranging from ponchos, plastic tarps, contractor bags and even trees and vegetation. The covering is only one part of your shelter, so if you are using any of these items, you will need to have a way to secure your shelter in place. This prompts me to tell you about 550 Cord/Paracord, which is no longer just used for the Military. You should keep several feet of 550 cord in your pack being a good baseline is no less than 250 feet, it has multiple uses and will help secure your shelter. When building your shelter, always remember to keep as low to the ground as possible because the last thing you’ll want is a gust of wind tearing your shelter down. The lower to the ground you build it, the more secure and warm it will be. If you’re wondering why I’m including sleep with this portion of the blog, you have to realize how important it is. If you are in an emergency situation for 72 hours, you will need to get rest when the day winds down and dark settles in. That’s the time that you’ll spend collecting your thoughts and planning for the next day's survival efforts. Always keep an emergency blanket in your pack or if you have the room to store it, a small sleeping bag or bivy sack.

  • Poncho/Contractor Bag (1 or 2)
  • 550 Cord/ Paracord 250 FT
  • Mylar Emergency Blanket
  • Sleeping Bag or Bivy Sack/Poncho Liner

Fire: For an outdoor emergency situation, you will definitely need a fire starter such as a Bic lighter, ferro rod, spark wheel firestarter, or waterproof matches. There are also several kindling options that you should look into so that you are fully prepared beforehand. Fire has so many benefits such as cooking, water purification, signaling, and warmth and most importantly, it will greatly increase your chance for survival. Also pack a waterproof bag and include a few cotton balls along with a small container of Vaseline, make up some char cloth to add to your pack, and wrap some duct tape around a Bic lighter to help repair any tears in your poncho or shelter.

  • Ferro Rod/Lighter/Spark Wheel/Waterproof Matches
  • Kindling, Char Cloth, Duct Tape, Cotton Balls
  • Small Waterproof Bag or Container

First Aid: One of the most important elements of 72 hr survival is a well-stocked first aid kit to help tend to any potential injuries. These kits can range anywhere from IFAK (Individual First Aid Kit) to that of a standard First Aid kit you keep in your vehicle or at home. There are also huge kits available for other situations, but being we’re focusing on a 72 hr time frame, we won’t get into those here. We will focus on the standard IFAK kit for this section, with a couple of added elements that can be vital to survival. The following list covers the bare minimum of what could be included in your IFAK kit:

  • Burn dressing
  • Combat (hemostatic) gauze
  • Gloves
  • Ibuprofen
  • Israeli dressings
  • Pen light
  • Permanent marker
  • Pressure dressing
  • Tourniquet
  • Trauma shears
  • Vented chest seal
Med Kit Essentials

Rothco Molle IFAK

at Pro Armory

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Prices accurate at time of writing

Now to touch on a few more added elements that you should keep in your kit. For anyone that currently takes daily prescription medications, be sure to add a few extra pills to your kit. In most cases, you can speak to your Physician and explain why you need the extra meds. It’s also good to have some Antibiotics on hand for any infections that could occur while in the situation.

Supplements To Help Prepare: Supplements are a great integration in your readiness regiment. There are some offerings from Pro Armory that can help with your daily health and wellness and will come in handy for these situations. I am going to focus on a few of my favorites, but we have quite a large selection, so please check out the link and see what might work best for you. Now on with the list!

Let me introduce you to our LOADOUT multivitamin. This is formulated to Boost Cellular Health, improve your energy and focus, and helps with meeting daily nutritional needs. It is a great option to take on a daily basis and to add to your emergency pack.


Loadout Gummies

at Pro Armory

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Prices accurate at time of writing

Next in line is the PATRIOT PULSE which helps improve blood flow, energy, and stamina. It is formulated to help with immune health and blood pressure, all of which are vital in a survival or emergency situation.


Patriot Pulse

at Pro Armory

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Prices accurate at time of writing

Moving over now to the TEST RELOAD, which is formulated to help boost Testosterone levels, improve strength and stamina for the long haul, all while helping with energy levels, mood and body composition and recovery. This one will definitely provide the drive and ambition needed to make it through a 72 hr survival situation.


Test Reload

at Pro Armory

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Prices accurate at time of writing

Lastly we have JOINT OPS gummy, which helps your body's natural healing and recovery process for injuries. It also helps to fight inflammation and improve mobility in those joint areas that take such a beating in our everyday life, especially during the scenarios talked about in this blog.


Joint Ops

at Pro Armory

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Prices accurate at time of writing

And there you have it, a full compilation of supplies that you will need for a 72 hour survival situation. I know it is a pretty hefty list but you will be surprised what fits in a backpack. And just to circle back on one item that was briefly touched on earlier, is the ability to protect oneself. If you have a legal EDC firearm, I suggest always having it with you. A reliable rifle, which some refer to as “truck gun”, gives you an additional option to protect yourself, help acquire game for food gathering and sustainability. Stay safe, stay ready, and always be prepared!

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    Emergency/SHTF Supplies Prep - 72 Hour Survival

    Emergency/SHTF Supplies Prep - 72 Hour Survival

    Post by Kyle LewisKyle Lewis May 20, 2024

    In this segment I am going to touch on a few supplies that you should always have on hand for a 72 hour survival scenario. Whether it be trying to get home after a natural disaster, vehicle problems that leave you stranded or hiking/hunting, or a situation where you are waiting on First Responders to show up, we should always be prepared for an unexpected SHTF situation. While the bare minimum survival kit is good for 72 hours, the idea behind it is to always be prepared! At minimum you will always need a good fixed blade knife, fire starting supplies, a stainless steel water bottle, water purification tablets, 550 Cord, plastic sheeting for shelter and visual/ auditory signaling supplies, such as a signaling mirror and a rescue whistle. Additionally, an EDC firearm is great to have on hand for protection, but if that isn’t an option, any type of knife will serve as a great back-up. At the end of this blog I will also introduce a few supplements that will add to your daily health benefits should you ever find yourself in a survival mode situation.

    The Basic Needs In A Survival Situation

    The Body cannot survive without water in any environment and it is especially important in a survival situation. There are many ways to address this issue so I’m sharing a few products and ideas below for you to think about what might work best for you. When organizing an emergency pack, I personally prefer a life straw or purification tablets, although there are also pre-packaged water options that are good for up to six years. I would rather have another viable option besides “packaged” water, and again, that comes down to personal preference.

    • Stainless Steel Single Wall Water Bottle
    • Water Purification Tablets
    • LifeStraw or GeoPress by Grayl Filtration Systems

    Food: Although the human body is designed to survive for a limited time without food, it is still essential to take in calories to produce energy. This is extremely important should you find yourself in an emergency situation, so I’m going to talk about a few products to consider stocking up on. Just like with water there are multiple options to make sure you have some type of food easily accessible in an emergency situation. MREs, 2400 Calorie bars, CLIF bars and basically any type of protein bar will sustain you for a limited time. I also suggest learning to forage so that you become familiar with wild plants and knowing which parts are safe to eat. Bushcraft trapping, a method of using mechanical devices to capture animals without the presence of a trapper, can prove extremely beneficial in a survival mode situation. Hunting with simple traps/snares for small game like rabbits and squirrels can also help in case the situation exceeds the 72 hour period.

    • MREs (or any survival based food company)
    • At the least 2 of the 2400 Calorie Emergency Food Bars
    • CLIF Bars (Protein/Energy Bars)
    • Learn about your local edible vegetation/wildlife to forage for food.

    Clothing/Socks/Foot Care: These items can sometimes be overlooked in a short term survival situation, but they definitely shouldn't be. Speaking from personal experience, having a fresh change of clothes in an emergency situation really makes a huge difference. Most preppers and survivalists suggest at least two sets of clothing so you can change with the elements. And don’t overlook packing a few pairs of socks because your feet might soon become your main mode of transportation during an emergency situation. I suggest learning the Army/Ranger roll method to help stow your clothing in a compact way within your emergency kit. There are some other options for this as well, which include vacuum sealed packs that help to collapse your clothes down to a fraction of their size. If you have room, pack an extra set of boots/shoes also as you can never be too prepared!

    • Army/Ranger Roll at least two changes of clothes
    • Vacuum sealed packaging containing clothes placed in a pack
    • Socks and Dry Feet Are Important in these scenarios
    • Extra Dry Footwear Boots/Shoes

    Shelter and Sleep: These are two important factors that come into play with any hiking, hunting or emergency situation. Shelter can be provided in a number of ways, ranging from ponchos, plastic tarps, contractor bags and even trees and vegetation. The covering is only one part of your shelter, so if you are using any of these items, you will need to have a way to secure your shelter in place. This prompts me to tell you about 550 Cord/Paracord, which is no longer just used for the Military. You should keep several feet of 550 cord in your pack being a good baseline is no less than 250 feet, it has multiple uses and will help secure your shelter. When building your shelter, always remember to keep as low to the ground as possible because the last thing you’ll want is a gust of wind tearing your shelter down. The lower to the ground you build it, the more secure and warm it will be. If you’re wondering why I’m including sleep with this portion of the blog, you have to realize how important it is. If you are in an emergency situation for 72 hours, you will need to get rest when the day winds down and dark settles in. That’s the time that you’ll spend collecting your thoughts and planning for the next day's survival efforts. Always keep an emergency blanket in your pack or if you have the room to store it, a small sleeping bag or bivy sack.

    • Poncho/Contractor Bag (1 or 2)
    • 550 Cord/ Paracord 250 FT
    • Mylar Emergency Blanket
    • Sleeping Bag or Bivy Sack/Poncho Liner

    Fire: For an outdoor emergency situation, you will definitely need a fire starter such as a Bic lighter, ferro rod, spark wheel firestarter, or waterproof matches. There are also several kindling options that you should look into so that you are fully prepared beforehand. Fire has so many benefits such as cooking, water purification, signaling, and warmth and most importantly, it will greatly increase your chance for survival. Also pack a waterproof bag and include a few cotton balls along with a small container of Vaseline, make up some char cloth to add to your pack, and wrap some duct tape around a Bic lighter to help repair any tears in your poncho or shelter.

    • Ferro Rod/Lighter/Spark Wheel/Waterproof Matches
    • Kindling, Char Cloth, Duct Tape, Cotton Balls
    • Small Waterproof Bag or Container

    First Aid: One of the most important elements of 72 hr survival is a well-stocked first aid kit to help tend to any potential injuries. These kits can range anywhere from IFAK (Individual First Aid Kit) to that of a standard First Aid kit you keep in your vehicle or at home. There are also huge kits available for other situations, but being we’re focusing on a 72 hr time frame, we won’t get into those here. We will focus on the standard IFAK kit for this section, with a couple of added elements that can be vital to survival. The following list covers the bare minimum of what could be included in your IFAK kit:

    • Burn dressing
    • Combat (hemostatic) gauze
    • Gloves
    • Ibuprofen
    • Israeli dressings
    • Pen light
    • Permanent marker
    • Pressure dressing
    • Tourniquet
    • Trauma shears
    • Vented chest seal
    Med Kit Essentials

    Rothco Molle IFAK

    at Pro Armory

    view product

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Now to touch on a few more added elements that you should keep in your kit. For anyone that currently takes daily prescription medications, be sure to add a few extra pills to your kit. In most cases, you can speak to your Physician and explain why you need the extra meds. It’s also good to have some Antibiotics on hand for any infections that could occur while in the situation.

    Supplements To Help Prepare: Supplements are a great integration in your readiness regiment. There are some offerings from Pro Armory that can help with your daily health and wellness and will come in handy for these situations. I am going to focus on a few of my favorites, but we have quite a large selection, so please check out the link and see what might work best for you. Now on with the list!

    Let me introduce you to our LOADOUT multivitamin. This is formulated to Boost Cellular Health, improve your energy and focus, and helps with meeting daily nutritional needs. It is a great option to take on a daily basis and to add to your emergency pack.


    Loadout Gummies

    at Pro Armory

    view product

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Next in line is the PATRIOT PULSE which helps improve blood flow, energy, and stamina. It is formulated to help with immune health and blood pressure, all of which are vital in a survival or emergency situation.


    Patriot Pulse

    at Pro Armory

    view product

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Moving over now to the TEST RELOAD, which is formulated to help boost Testosterone levels, improve strength and stamina for the long haul, all while helping with energy levels, mood and body composition and recovery. This one will definitely provide the drive and ambition needed to make it through a 72 hr survival situation.


    Test Reload

    at Pro Armory

    view product

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Lastly we have JOINT OPS gummy, which helps your body's natural healing and recovery process for injuries. It also helps to fight inflammation and improve mobility in those joint areas that take such a beating in our everyday life, especially during the scenarios talked about in this blog.


    Joint Ops

    at Pro Armory

    view product

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    And there you have it, a full compilation of supplies that you will need for a 72 hour survival situation. I know it is a pretty hefty list but you will be surprised what fits in a backpack. And just to circle back on one item that was briefly touched on earlier, is the ability to protect oneself. If you have a legal EDC firearm, I suggest always having it with you. A reliable rifle, which some refer to as “truck gun”, gives you an additional option to protect yourself, help acquire game for food gathering and sustainability. Stay safe, stay ready, and always be prepared!
