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Buy Belom Ammunition Online

Founded in 2015, Serbia’s Belom ammunition is a fantastic new addition to the U.S. ammo market. Belom ammo is very affordable for the quality it offers, especially in bulk cases. As the ammunition shortage in America continues to be a concern for many, buying in bulk just means that there will be more ammunition on American soil when we need it most. Get your box of verified Belom brand handgun and rifle ammo online from Pro Armory today!

Belom Handgun Ammo


From Serbia To America: The Belom Ammo Journey

Belom Ammunition is fairly new in the ammunition game. Founded in 2015 by Serbian state-owned arms manufacturer Yugoimport SDPR, the company has quickly grown to be a well-respected brand in several countries. In 2018, they joined the Association of European manufacturers of sporting ammunition (AFEMS), securing their spot in the global ammunition market.

Belom also competes for the best value — the price point makes this brand a very attractive buy for plenty of American shooters. If you see it on our site, count your blessings and buy some while you still can.

Belom 9mm Luger 124 Grain FMJ

Let’s address the 9mm Luger 124 grain full metal jacket round and its performance. This round is a new production, non-corrosive ammo with a muzzle velocity of 1115 feet per second. It is also fully reloadable with brass casing and new boxer primers. The round offers solid penetration with a sectional density of 0.141 and no expansion upon impact.

Belom Ammo Accuracy

The accuracy of each round is largely dependent on the shooter. You’re not going to miss because of the grain count, casing, or primer.

That said, Belom ammo does provide consistent accuracy across all calibers. If nothing else, Belom helps to improve your accuracy because it’s affordable enough to use on the range frequently, allowing you to train more and improve your accuracy.

See Why So Many Customers Love Pro Armory

For our team, providing the best ammo, tactical gear, and world-class training to the American shooter is just one more way to serve & celebrate our great country. We give you everything you need to accomplish your shooting goals — all at an affordable price. Join the thousands of satisfied customers that love shopping at Pro Armory.

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Bulk Belom Handgun Ammo

How often should you train with your firearm? More is the right answer. How much ammo do you need? More is also the right answer. In our opinion, Belom ammo is made for buying in bulk. It’s affordable, ideal ammunition for training. We offer Belom 9mm Luger 124 Grain Full Metal Jacket ammo for plinking, self defense, and more.

Buy Your Bulk Belom Ammo Today

A Proper Tool for Every Job

Here at Pro Armory, we believe that for every job there exists a proper tool. That’s true whether you’re arming up for self-defense or practicing at the range — you need the best tools for your situation.

Based on our standards, we believe Belom ammo is best suited for target and training shooters. There are better rounds for everyday carry, hunting, and self-defense — though Belom ammunition will perform just fine in a crisis. If Belom 9mm is what you have in a firearm in a self-defense scenario, it will eliminate the threat with the proper aim.

If the Caliber and Brand are Right, Buy Now While You Can

If you see Belom ammunition in stock, it’s a good idea to snatch it up as soon as you can. That’s not a marketing ploy — we have plenty more ammo available if we are out of stock. But Belom is incredibly popular, and it can be difficult to keep in our warehouse.

We’ve all experienced the pain of the ammunition shortage over the past few years. We too know the panicked feeling when you see empty shelves. Know that we're working hard to import Belom ammunition for you, but the supply chain can be a mess. Our best advice is that if you see it and the caliber is right, buy it.

Belom Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Belom brass casings are reloadable over multiple life cycles. Reloading your brass (properly) can help you save a ton of money and retain your stock while ammo shortages are still a concern in the United States.

Yes. Belom ammunition shows zero discernible lag in performance from similar rounds. We wouldn’t sell it if it wasn’t any good. The accuracy and quality standards of this round make it perfect for target training.

Pro Armory is the perfect place to get ahold of Belom ammunition. Whether you’re just buying a small box of plinking ammo for the range or stocking up with a bulk mega-case, we’ve got it for cheap and discounted prices. We ship your ammo straight to your home as fast as possible, for the lowest possible shipping cost. With Pro Armory, you can also trust that your online purchases are secure — you never have to worry about the security of your payment information when you buy from our online store.

Try a Box of Belom Ammo Today

Whether you buy or don’t buy, we’re glad you’re here researching this new brand of ammunition. That means you are part of our universe, and that means we give a sh*t about you

At Pro Armory, we’re all veterans who served our country. We believe that providing ammunition to the great American shooter is just another act of service.

Do yourself a favor and pick up some quality Belom ammunition. Trust your gut when it comes to how much you need to buy. We ship your products fast — straight to your front door, so you can get out on the range as soon as possible.

Buy Your Bulk Belom Ammo Today
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